Discover the Perfect Bookcase

Gain complete control of the design and structure of your bookcase, and make the perfect fit for your home.

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- Fra idé til færdig reol

reolREOL offers you a unique and custom solution, designed to fit perfectly into your home.

We help you find the perfect design. When you are satisfied, we take care of the installation, giving you a hassle-free, finished solution.

Mere end 700 reoler

To date, we have helped over 700 customers upgrade their homes with beautiful, locally produced, and 100% unique shelving solutions. 

Each bookcase being a perfect match for the wall they were designed to fit.

Halv pris af den lokale snedker og personlig service.

Hos os kan du få en specialbygget reol, uden det koster en bondegård. Og vi hjælper dig med at designe den. 

Local Production, Uniquely Designed Just For You

With us, you get shelves that are produced locally with care. We only create the shelving you need – nothing unnecessary. Without complicated logistics and high storage costs, we can offer you a more personal and flexible service. We're just around the corner in 2450 Copenhagen SV, ready to assist you immediately.

Trustpilot – reolREOL.
Try It For Yourself:

Design Your Own Bookcase.

It’s a bit like playing around with Lego bricks. You just experiment until you find a result you like. Once you are satisfied, we can have a no-obligation meeting to finalize all the details.

Byg selv din egen reol gennem reolREOL's online design-modul.
Flot egetræsreol frit svævende på væggen (m. transparent baggrund og skygger).
Pil-ikon for reolREOL.

The Process.

Your bookcase is created through a collaboration between you and us. Here’s how the process works.

Reach Out

Book a meeting with us. We start with your handcrafted sketches or your 3D design.


We will have a meeting where you share your wishes. We provide feedback and enhance your ideas.


Our design team works on designing your bookcase. When the initial draft is ready, you can share your feedback.

Production & Installation

When satisfied we produce your bookcase, deliver it to you, and install it in your home.


You can freely customize and design your bookcase to make it fit just one wall in the world—your own. Check out the various cases below to see how others have done it before you.


The magic begins with a few measurements on your wall. And don’t worry – it does not require a degree in architecture or the latest measuring tape.

All we need is a simple child’s drawing of your wall. We need to know the height and width of the wall, as well as the location of windows, doors, outlets, frames, and molding. 

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We have a clear stance on the materials we use. They must have the least possible environmental impact. Our wood is recycled or reclaimed and, of course, FSC certified. Our paint is Swan-labeled, and our oil is plant-based. 


At reolREOL there is no waste, unnecessary warehouse, or pointless transportation.

Every single shelf is made for each individual customer. This is better for the environment, our climate, and society as a whole. 

Nytilskåret reol-element tilses af en medarbejder hos reolREOL.